
Doctor of Philosophy (Innovative Management)


  • 学制:3-6 年
  • 学分:共计 54 学分
  • 专业课程: 18 学分
  • 论文: 36 学分

  • 毕业要求
  • 通过考试,修满学分
  • 在 国际认可的期刊发表 1 篇论文
  • 参加一次国际会议,并在会议文集发表 1 篇文章
  • 通过毕业论文答辩
  • 经学校审核通过后可申请毕业,颁发宣素那他皇家大学博士学位证书(创新管理专业)
Course Description课程说明
Course Code Course Title and couse Description C (T-P-I)      课程代码课程名称和课程描述
PHD8102 Advanced Research Methodology in Innovative Management 

创新管理高级研究方法 3(2-2-5)

The principles and concepts of advanced research for innovative management, advanced research methodology of quantitative and qualitative approach, mixed method research, analysis and synthesis  related  research  on  foreign and domestic, literature reviews and synthesis conceptual framework of research, research design, research measurement and tools, data collection methods, analyzing of quantitative and qualitative data, and research ethics.

先进的创新管理研究的原则和概念, 先进的定量和定性方法研究方法, 混合方法研究, 分析和综合国内外相关研究, 文献综述和综合概念框架的研究, 研究设计, 研究测量和工具, 数据收集方法, 分析定量和定性数据,和研究伦理学.

PHD820Innovative Mnagement in the Age of Globalization 

全球化时代的创新管理 3(3-0-6)The concepts and theories of management innovations that occur in the globalization age including both the Oriental and Western wisdoms, social innovations, and economic innovations, the environmental factors caused by economic, social, and environmental changes, the application of management innovations to enhance capability of the organization, the roles of strategic leadership in mobilization of management of changes and adjustment to cope with the globalization age, and the transformation of organizational code of ethics to enable the organization to have more social responsibility.

全球化时代管理创新的概念和理论, 包括东西方智慧、社会创新、经济创新、经济、社会、环境等环境因素变革, 应用管理创新, 增强组织能力, 战略领导在调动管理变革和适应全球化时代的作用, 转变组织道德规范, 使组织有更多的社会责任。

PHD8205 Management of Human and Social Capital 

人力和社会资本的管理 3(3-0-6)

The concepts, theories, and evolution of human and social capital, the analysis and synthesis of the impacts of economic, social, and environmental changes on human and social capital management, the development of human and social capital to enhance the capability and potential for sustainable competition in the world arena, planning and developing human and social capital at the policy and practice levels and the organizational governance in management of human and social capital.

人类和社会资本的概念、理论和演进, 分析和综合经济、社会和环境变化对人力和社会资本管理的影响, 发展人力和社会资本, 以提高世界舞台上可持续竞争的能力和潜力, 在政策和实践层面上规划和发展人力和社会资本, 以及管理人力和社会资本的组织治理。

PHD8206 Management of Knowledge-Based Economy and Society

知识经济与社会管理 3(3-0-6)

The theories and principles of knowledge management, the analysis and synthesis of guidelines for developing the organization’s body of knowledge and local wisdom in the age of knowledge-based economy and society, the integration of new body of knowledge to create knowledge-based economic opportunities, the development of human and society toward the learning community and learning organization with the participatory process, the enhancement of morality and ethics in knowledge management.

知识管理的理论和原则, 分析和综合了在知识经济和社会时代发展组织的知识和地方智慧的准则, 新的知识主体的整合创造以知识为基础的经济机会, 发展人与社会, 向学习型社区和学习型组织的参与过程, 加强知识管理中的道德与伦理。

PHD8301 Seminar in Policy and Strategic Innovative Management

政策和战略创新管理研究 3(3-0-6)

Seminar on management innovation and strategy by integrating the concept from west and east, analysis of the key issues in policy and strategy for developing a plan and solving the problem to develop organization and improve competitiveness for the organization to excellence and lead to the thesis.

管理创新与战略研讨会, 结合东西方概念, 分析制定计划和解决问题的政策和战略中的关键问题, 以发展组织, 提高组织竞争力卓越, 并引导论文。

PHD8302 Advanced Statistical Methods 

高级统计学方法 3(2-2-5)

The proper use of statistics for research, study the advanced statistical methods for research, focusing on the statistics for the Multivariate Analysis such as Regression Analysis, Path Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discriminate Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling Analysis.

先进的统计学方法正确运用统计学进行研究, 研究先进的统计手段进行研究, 着重于统计学的多元分析, 如回归分析、路径分析、因子分析、聚类分析、判别分析和结构方程建模分析。

PHD8303 Seminar in Public and Local Innovative Management

 公共和地方创新管理研讨会 3(3-0-6)

Seminar on the concepts of public and local management innovation and the governance, discussion and analysis as appropriate to adopt in order to solve the problems that currently exist, the study of innovation arising from the management and local

government in the past 5 years to conclude that the theory applied to the Thai society, analyze the major issues of public and local management to plan, solve problems and lead to thesis.

关于公共与地方管理创新理念的研讨与治理、讨论和分析, 以适应目前存在的问题, 从管理和地方政府的创新中产生的研究过去 5 年的结论是, 该理论应用于泰国社会, 分析了公共和地方管理的主要问题, 以计划、解决问题和引导论文。

PHD8304Seminar in Business Innovative Management

企业创新管理研讨会 3(3-0-6)

Seminar on management concepts and international business, discussion and analysis international business environment, analysis of business management issues that have been affected by political, economic, social and abroad that affect the business management solution to plan and lead the thesis.

关于管理概念和国际商务、讨论和分析国际商业环境的研讨会, 分析受政治、经济、社会和国外影响的商业管理问题管理解决方案, 策划并领导论文。

PHD8909Thesis 1

论文1  6(270)

To select a thesis topic who want to learn to lead to the development of thesis proposal by pointing out the history and significance of the problem, the purpose of the thesis, the conceptual framework, the study methodology, the scope of the study and the expected benefits from the finding.

通过指出问题的历史和意义、论文的目的、概念框架、研究方法、研究范围和预期, 来选择一个要学习如何引导论文命题发展的论题。从这项发现中获益。

PHD8910Thesis 2

论文2 6(270)
The depth study of research methodology on the subject to study, synthesis of concept, theory and literature review related to research to lead to create the conceptual framework and research hypotheses.深入研究方法论的研究, 对课题的研究、概念的综合、理论和文献综述等相关研究的提出, 从而创造出概念框架和研究假设。

PHD8911 Thesis 3 

论文3 12(540) 

The complete research measurement, data collection, data processing, data analysis, the results of data analysis, the results discussion and recommendations from the study and the draft of the whole thesis完整的研究测量、数据收集、数据处理、数据分析、数据分析结果、结果讨论和建议从整个论   文的研究和草稿。.

PHD8912 Thesis 4 

论文4 12(540) 

Writing the complete thesis and presentation to the committee for the prevention thesis for graduate courses, the operation of the thesis or part of thesis is published or at least accepted to be published in national or international academic journals.撰写完整的论文, 并提交给委员会的研究生课程预防论文, 论文或论文的一部分的操作发表或至少被接受在国家或国际学术刊物上发表。